Corning Area Memorials

Yost Park Memorial Grove


MICHAEL GRIFFIN Corning Observer 

    On September 26, 1996 a redwood tree was dedicated in memory of U.S. Airman 1st Class Joshua Woody and planted at Yost Park. In the future, other redwood trees will be planted to create a memorial grove on the south side of the baseball field. The tree was donated by Marjorie Yost-Conserve. Yost Park is named after her late husband, Roger Yost, who donated the parcel of land so local children would have a ball field to play in.

    In photo above, Marjorie Yost-Conserve shovels dirt around the tree as (l. to r.) Stanley Jones, Jean Jones, Bernie Beekman, George Beekman, Councilman Rex Roush and Mayor Gary Strack look on.


Corning Union High School Memorial

A memorial unveiled for Woody

TODD SHURTLEFF/Coming Observer 

    A permanent memorial to Airman First Class Joshua Woody was unveiled on Friday night, September 6, 1996 before the Corning High School varsity football team’s season opener. The home game against Enterprise was dedicated to Woody, who was killed in June by a terrorist truck bomb while stationed at a U.S. military base in Saudi Arabia. Woody was a member of the varsity football team and he graduated from Corning High School In 1994 (In photo left to right) Joshua's brother, Timothy Woody, his mother and step-father, Bernie and George Beekman stand In front of the memorial that was built below the flag pole at the football stadium.


CUHS Gymnasium Trophy Case

Joshua's Mother at the Memorial

 Honoring Joshua Woody      


Monument at the base of the flag pole


Corning Union High School Stadium and Memorial


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